
Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Oddest Warranty Return

So I didn't shop at Jared. However, the Xmas gift I got my wife still put a smile on her face.

Since I know you are all asking, "Pusher, what fantastic gift did you get your wife that made her smile so?"

Let me tell you! I got her THIS (NSFW - for the love of all that is good, don't click this link with your boss standing right there ... PLEASE ... I beg of you!)

I freakin' told you! What were you thinking! Jeez!

So I get this thing and get it home. Get it wrapped and put it under the tree so she can open it ... YEAH RIGHT! She did not get this gift to open in front of the children and her mother! What kind of fool do you take me for!?

So anyway ... some days go by and we finally get a chance to try out her new "toy". Guess what? Dang how'd you know! The freakin' "Turbo pearls" don't ... well ... turbo.
Not only do they not turbo ... they don't even turtle, crawl, quiver ... nothing ... they don't budge! Dang it! Okay, it has a warranty card which I can fill out online and then return it.

This bad boy is in a package large enough I have to take it to the post office ... god I hope he doesn't recognize the name of the company! (The company name that it gets sent to is NOT California Exotics, just for the record). What's that? Do I want to insure it? Um ... do I have to tell you what it is? No? Sure I'll insure it. Whew! Close one!

Yeah, just a little awkward ... but ... $20 extra (shipping and insurance and RETURN shipping costs) it's back ... well NOT the same one ... but a NEW one just like it ... and the pearls ... oh yeah , they turbo!

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Pushed by Pusher Robot at 2:23 PM

See what Blogger Shover Robot had to say about the experience!
See what Anonymous Anonymous had to say about the experience!
See what Blogger Pusher Robot had to say about the experience!
See what Blogger Chickie had to say about the experience!

4 Terrible Secrets of Space:

Blogger Shover Robot revealed...

Would you Recommend It?

3:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous revealed...

Bwahahaha. You know, I was really hoping that this was not going to be all about how the company then screwed you out of a refund (screwed... hahaha, pardon the pun) - how nice to know that NSFW companies still provide better customer service than most of the mainstream companies do.

4:33 PM  
Blogger Pusher Robot revealed...

Shover: I'm not sure how bad it eats batteries yet ... so opinion will have to rest for a bit.

AmyD: Yeah except that you have to send them money so they can send it back. So, beside the $10 it cost for me to send I had to give THEM $10 to send it back. It did however come back SOONER than the 4-6 wks they say.
I would NOT want to be in the product returns division of that company though (or any other like company) ... cuz well ... yeah.

4:49 PM  
Blogger Chickie revealed...

I like to buy that kind of thing in the store and make them turn it on before I leave.

You'd have to be a special kind of person to work in the return center somewhere like that!

7:41 PM  

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